Monday, April 16, 2012

Personal Information

I would like to remain completely honest throughout my entries in order to show my true changes. As such, I've decided to publish some personal facts about myself. I hope that this will help everyone to get to know me a little bit better.

To begin, my name is Jessie. I'm 22 years old, and my birthday is on April 3, 1990, which makes me both an Aries (Western zodiac) as well as a horse (Chinese zodiac). I currently live in Ontario, Canada, where I attend university. I'm a third-year undergraduate double majoring in English and Cinema Studies, and I plan to pursue a Masters of Library and Information Science degree. I have lived in Canada all my life; my background, although distant, is comprised of English, French, Dutch and Irish nationalities. I'm left handed and tend to lean more towards my inner artist than my inner rationalist. I have three sisters (two older, one younger) and one brother (older). I'm currently in a relationship with a much more rational and much less artistic boy, who complements me in strange but good ways.

I enjoy a lot of things, including cute stuff, kitties, bunnies, flowers, accessories, Pokémon, magical girl (mahou shoujo) anime, Japanese language and culture, Korean pop music, Harry Potter, cosplay, playing video games (especially RPGs), reading good books, waking up early, playing the cello, eating pastries and cakes, sunshine, writing fiction, and looking up scary things. I tend to become interested in things extremely easily, but my interest often (unfortunately) wanes very quickly. Nonetheless, I believe that everything I learn is useful and important.

I also dislike many things, such as scary insects, eating pieces of ginger, being judged and judging others, hypocrites, ignorance, incorrect spelling/grammar, having to take responsibility, staying up too late, loud noises, and gloomy weather. I accept that I'm not perfect, but I will always try to improve myself.